Thursday 30 September 2010

Research: My favorate Film - The Blindisde.

My favorate film of all time is the blind side which is based on a true story of an american footballer Micheal Oher who goes from being homeless to an NFL Star. The film stars Sandra Bullock who plays the women who welcomes micheal into her home when she finds him walking through the rain with no where to go. She soon welcomes Micheal into her family and gives him a private tutor so that he could go to college and play football.

The story shows how the family goes through some ruff times with micheal; for example when Micheal and his adopted little brother are in a car crash and they find that micheal saves CJ's life by placing his forearm infront of CJ breaking his noise yet saving his life. Through out the film Micheal and CJ become more and more attached mainly through the game of football, CJ teaches Micheal or BIG MIKE who he normally calls him some of the skills that are required in playing the game.

The most dramatic moment in the film is sandra's speach that she gives to Micheal during a training session whichu you can see in this trailor above. She shows Micheal how his team is just like his family and it is his job to protect them, this is almost the pin point moment where Micheal becomes a legendry player and an absolute BEAST on the field.

The film shows some emotional moments throughout the film mainly when Micheal defends his family against a gang he used to call his. Although in my opinon the most emotional point of the film is where the film shows the real Micheal Oher being drafted into the NFL and having his photo taken with his family, this shows that through out his life they became one unit and just how specail they are to each other.

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