Thursday 9 September 2010

Introduction to me and AS Media Studies

Name: Daniel Mills
Intrests: Sport
School: Ken Stimpson Comunity School
My group:
  • George Griffin
  • Chelsea Tufton
Why I chose Media Studies:

I chose Media studies for A level so that i could hopefuli have a better chance in getting into a university when im older, but also to have at least one fun lesson on my timetable, so that i wasnt stuck in a classroom for two years which i would find unbareable.

What I'm hoping to get out of Media Studies:

Im hoping to be able to link a A level in Media Studies with the Applied ICT A level that i am currently taking at the Voyager School. I also would like to maybe continue with studies in the film and media world... if i manage to pass this first. I would like to maybe go to university and carry this on to maybe make a carrer out of it.

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