Thursday 30 September 2010

Research: My favorate Film - The Blindisde.

My favorate film of all time is the blind side which is based on a true story of an american footballer Micheal Oher who goes from being homeless to an NFL Star. The film stars Sandra Bullock who plays the women who welcomes micheal into her home when she finds him walking through the rain with no where to go. She soon welcomes Micheal into her family and gives him a private tutor so that he could go to college and play football.

The story shows how the family goes through some ruff times with micheal; for example when Micheal and his adopted little brother are in a car crash and they find that micheal saves CJ's life by placing his forearm infront of CJ breaking his noise yet saving his life. Through out the film Micheal and CJ become more and more attached mainly through the game of football, CJ teaches Micheal or BIG MIKE who he normally calls him some of the skills that are required in playing the game.

The most dramatic moment in the film is sandra's speach that she gives to Micheal during a training session whichu you can see in this trailor above. She shows Micheal how his team is just like his family and it is his job to protect them, this is almost the pin point moment where Micheal becomes a legendry player and an absolute BEAST on the field.

The film shows some emotional moments throughout the film mainly when Micheal defends his family against a gang he used to call his. Although in my opinon the most emotional point of the film is where the film shows the real Micheal Oher being drafted into the NFL and having his photo taken with his family, this shows that through out his life they became one unit and just how specail they are to each other.

As Media Studies premilinary exercise

this is our video for our premilinary excerise, we had a littile amount of difficulty uploading the video to youtube as we could not access this service within school so george had to take the video home on a USB memory stick so that he could upload it there. The video went up on the 28th of september.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Preliminary Excercise: Evaluation

After all of my group finishing our indivdual edits of the shots for the Preliminary, we had decided on one of the three videos... Mine of course. We looked at the final edit one more time and gave it critisim so we knew what we would have to change about the way we film and where we choose to film for when we start our main project.

Improvements that I would make on our decisions are.
Make sure you can see the character of focus in all of the shots
Make sure you can hear everything that is ment to be heard and cancel out any unnessesary background noise
Make sure the conunity rule is carried through out the whole of the scenes
Cancel out any gaps in the photoage
Take more shots than we needed.

After Evaluating my Preminiary I can know see the mistakes i made and errors that i can avoid making in future projects.

Friday 17 September 2010

Preliminary Excercise: Filming the Excerise 1st

Yesterday we have filmed the Preliminary Excercise and it took a while to figure out what we were going to do as we consently had people walking past the windows and past the door as we were filming. This caused us to have around 20 shots that we could not use.

When filming the Excercise we had a few bloopers which happened for example me falling through the door rather than walking through the door. We also had to battle against embarrisment as at times we couldnt stop laughing at each other, but in the end we got two- three shots that could be used in the final edit.

In the final edit I managed to make my final edition with using thirteen different shots including all of the required elements (match on action, 180 degree rule and shot/reverse shot). The only problems with my final edition is that sometimes the conunity is not there because of split seconds being repeated in different shots.

Now all that is left to do is choose which of our groups final editions we will choose to represent our group.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise: 180degree rule

The 180 degree rule is used in filming all programmes. The rule is an important element of creating a scene as if the cameras cross the imaginry 180 degree line the viweiers visual awareness as if a footballer was running with the ball to the right in one cut and then to the left in the other the viewer would wounder whether the football has changed direction.

this video explains how is you cross the 180 line it can mess up the scenes and how you can pass the 180 degree line if you film passing the line.

Friday 10 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise: Example Shot/ reverse shot

In this example shot/ reverse shot is used to show the emotions between the two fighters rather than a conversation. this works just aswell though.

Preliminary Exercise: shot reverse shot

Shot reverse shot (or shot/countershot) is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other

Preliminary Exercise:Example of Match on Action

This is an example of Match on Action from the film The Longest Yard. At the time of 1:20 the film shows a shot of the car driving and then swithces to the shot of the driver inside the car at the same pace as the previous shot. These two shot were obivsouly were not filmed at the same time yet the effect is that both shots are happening at the same time.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise: Match on Action

Match on Action is a techinque that allows the produce to cut to different shots of the same events but matches the pace of the first shot. This creates an impression of continuity although you may have filmed shots weeks apart. For example if a character begins an action shot in the first shot and completes it in the second, a visual bridge is created that disguises the cut from one to the other.

Preliminary Exercise: Example of Continuity

this clip shows at the time of 1:30 - 1:42 a jump from the prisoner walking with the guards down the green mile to another scene where he is entering the execution room. The continuity rule is applied in the two scenes by the same positioning of the guards beside the prisonner, as if the guards had moved there would be no explenation for this and would break the rule.

Preliminary Exercise: Continuity

The preliminary task requires and understanding of continuity, which is a fundamental principle of moving image production. Watching a film or TV programme tends to be a fairly easy pleasure because continuity is secured by the producers. As long continuity rules are followed, plot and stroy can unfold in such a way that the audience can assume what is going to happen in each shot or sequence. An example of this is if a character was to get on a train in one scene then jumps to another where they are sitting on the train during the subject, then again jumps to the passenger exiting the train the veiwer assums that the joruney was longer than was shown on screen time . But if the rule is broken so that the passenger moves postion and back again during different sceens the flow of sequences is disrupted.

Preliminary Exercise

Before my group and I can start our project we have to take part in a Preliminary exercise.
     The Preliminary Exercise's brief is to produce a contonutiy exercise which involoves a characetr opening a door, crossing a room and sitting in a chair opposite another character, that chararcter is then to exhchange a couple line of dialogue.
The task must demonsrate:
  • Match on action
  • Shot/ reverse shot
  • 180 degree rule

Introduction to me and AS Media Studies

Name: Daniel Mills
Intrests: Sport
School: Ken Stimpson Comunity School
My group:
  • George Griffin
  • Chelsea Tufton
Why I chose Media Studies:

I chose Media studies for A level so that i could hopefuli have a better chance in getting into a university when im older, but also to have at least one fun lesson on my timetable, so that i wasnt stuck in a classroom for two years which i would find unbareable.

What I'm hoping to get out of Media Studies:

Im hoping to be able to link a A level in Media Studies with the Applied ICT A level that i am currently taking at the Voyager School. I also would like to maybe continue with studies in the film and media world... if i manage to pass this first. I would like to maybe go to university and carry this on to maybe make a carrer out of it.