Thursday 18 November 2010


After been given a practise task to basicly create a SPOOF of the film JUNO which we have renamed JUDO as we replaced the girl charceter with a male. This excersise is to help us practise skills that we can use in our final mian production. The task was alot of fun but we were also faced with some challenges that has helped us think about how to over come them for our final production.

The main problem was that during the shooting of this task the weather changed twice. We managed to overcome this by showing the charcater JUDO putting up his hood when it started to try and rain which allowed him to have his hood when rain started appearing in the shot. Then later on in the day the rain stoped, and we showed this by the character taking off his hood. Luckly the weather stayed the same throughout the rest of the shooting.

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